Ceras O'conner

Till Sea Swallows All
Name ≈ Ceras O’Conner
Nicknames ≈ Cer, O’Conner
Age ≈ 28 Summers
Nameday ≈ 21st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race ≈ Seeker of the Sun Miqo’te
Gender ≈ Female
Sexuality ≈ Lesbian
Height ≈ 5 fulms 3.8 ilms
Patron Deity ≈ Halone, The Fury

Biological Family ≈ Deceased
Adoptive Family ≈ Unknown
Marital Status ≈ Single
Pet ≈ Grand Company issued chocobo, “Princess”
Ceras O'conner is a former Garlean conscript turned Limsa Lominsa Loyalist.
Born during the later years of the Mad King Theodoric's reign, she lost her original family and was raised by a Hyuran family from an indeterminate young age, and was given the name Ceras O'conner.
During the fall of Ala Mhigo, Ceras was taken and pressed into service as a Garlean conscript. Several years into her service the transport she was serving was raided and captured by Lominsan sanctioned privateers.
Years of training, indoctrination and propaganda about the "Eorzean Savages" was demolished as Ceras found herself at the surprising mercy of the Sanguine Sirens, when a chance encounter and failed munity would give her a chance at a clean state with the pirates.
Seizing her old Centurio's weaponry and gear she fought alongside the Sirens and chose then and there to commit herself to the Thalassocracy.
Since then she has become a staple within the Maelstrom to such a degree that her superiors have mandated she "go outside fer once, ye bloody furball" and has been curtly directed to take on some adventuring work to season herself.
Extroverted ≈ In Between ≈ Introverted
Disorganized ≈ In Between ≈ Organized
Close Minded ≈ In Between ≈ Open Minded
Calm ≈ In Between ≈ Anxious
Disagreeable ≈ In Between ≈ Agreeable
Cautious ≈ In Between ≈ Reckless
Patient ≈ In Between ≈ Impatient
Outspoken ≈ In Between ≈ Reserved
Leader ≈ In Between ≈ Follower
Empathetic ≈ In Between ≈ Apathetic
Optimistic ≈ In Between ≈ Pessimistic
Traditional ≈ In Between ≈ Modern
Hard-Working ≈ In Between ≈ Lazy
Cultured ≈ In Between ≈ Uncultured
Loyal ≈ In Between ≈ Disloyal
Faithful ≈ In Between ≈ Unfaithful

∙ Maelstrom officer who has served on land and sea for more than a decade.
∙ Former Garlean conscript. Will show obvious signs of Garlean military doctrine and tactics to a trained eye.
∙ Limsa local. Has lived in Limsa Lominsa and served around La Noscea for more than a decade.
∙ Whisky hound. Frequents the Drowning Wench often and has a moderate tab she needs to keep paid.
∙ Has travelled to the 2 other city states of Eorzea (Uldah & Gridania).
Data Center ≈ Crystal
World ≈ Mateus
Role ≈ Mediocre Tank